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School Age

Here's how to take advantage of these sweet years, where you still have so much influence on your child, to build a close relationship and help him flourish.


255 Conversation Starters for Family Discussions

Parents often say they don’t know where to begin to have a “real” conversation with their child. These questions will get you started in conversation.


Can Your Child Trust You?

Kids don't just say things like "I'm considering cheating on the test" or "I'm bulimic." Parents have to earn that kind of trust. And here's how.


How to Turn Tough Conversations Into Learning Opportunities

Starting out on the offensive will only slam the doors of communication. If you can control your emotions and keep things safe, your child may start sharing.


Secrets of Closer Communication

Want your kids to tell you what's going on in their lives? Start by making these eight commitments.


Game Plan for Parenting Your Elementary Schooler

Your goal is to build a strong relationship with your child, providing a counter-balance to peer culture and a solid foundation to get you through the teen years.


Peaceful Parenting Examples Age 7 - 11

What does peaceful parenting look like with kids in the elementary school years? Regardless of the situation, here are the steps and some specific examples.


Foolproof Strategies for Getting Kids to Talk

Foolproof strategies to build trust and get your child to talk with you about what matters to them.


Social Intelligence for Elementary Schoolers


The Family That Plays Together

Infusing a spirit of joy and playfulness into your home nurtures your family like little else. Play is children's language -- join them in their world!