Anger and Aggression
Many parents send an angry child to her room to "calm down." After all, what else can we do? We certainly can't reason with her when she's furious. It's no time to teach lessons or ask for an apology. She needs to calm down. But it's worth considering whether that's the best option in dealing with anger. Imagine being angry at your partner. What if they said "Go calm down; come back when you can talk about this politely." Would you feel heard? Would you start to calm down? Or might you explode?
What can we do instead? We can help our children learn to manage their anger responsibly.
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10 Tips To Help Your Child With Anger
All kids need parental help to learn how to manage their anger. Here are ten tips for teaching your child healthy anger management in everyday life.
Read MoreWhen Your Child Gets Angry: The Crash Course
When our kids get angry, it pushes buttons for most of us. It's no time to teach lessons or ask for an apology. Here's how to stay calm and help your child.
Read MoreWhen Your Child Gets Angry: The Cheat Sheet
Post this on your refrigerator until it comes naturally!
Read MoreWhen Your Child Hits You: A Script
Here's a script to regain your calm and head off future hitting by your child.
Read MoreWhen Your Toddler Hits You: A Script
When toddlers hit, they need us to set firm limits to stop them -- while we help them feel safe and understood. They need help expressing feelings in healthier ways.
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