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Raising a Happy Family

What does it take to create a happy family, when modern life threatens to overwhelm us? Here are six secrets of Happy Families that you can easily put to use in your own home to create a joyful and connected family, where everyone flourishes and even the teenager treasures family time.

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Dinner: 30 Minutes to a More Connected Family

Dinner is the best predictor of how kids will do in adolescence because families who eat together stay more connected and build better relationships.

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7 Ways Kids Benefit When You Use Routines

Children handle change best if it is expected and occurs in the context of a familiar routine. A routine allows children to feel safe and develop a sense of mastery in handling life.

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Getting Your Child Out the Door In the Morning

This used to be a stressful time of day when I would yell at them, they would not cooperate, and I'd get angry and stressed out. What a difference connection makes!

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Surviving Arsenic Hour

Kids have meltdowns at the end of the day when they're hungry and tired -- but also because they feel disconnected. Stave off meltdowns and set a pleasant tone for the evening. Here's how.

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The Family That Plays Together

Infusing a spirit of joy and playfulness into your home nurtures your family like little else. Play is children's language -- join them in their world!

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How to Use Family Meetings to Build a Closer Family

Does the idea of Family Meetings seem stilted and artificial to you? Here's why you should give them a chance.

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Sanctuary: Making your Home a Haven

Giving your children a sanctuary is an enormous gift. It allows them to go out and do battle in the world, and return home to recharge.

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Family Culture: Shared Identity and Belonging

How do you hold a family together? Much of the answer has to do with the family culture you create, which can take your family life from good to great.

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Moving? 10 Tips To Help Your Child Adjust

A little prevention goes a long way to help your child adjust to a big move. Everything you've taken for granted has to be re-invented. Here's 10 tips to help.

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How can I help my kids through my divorce?

Research shows kids can cope with a divorce and come out ok. But often they don't. Here's why, and what you can do to protect your child.

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