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Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
Online Course

Parenting is one of the hardest things most of us will ever do.
This self-paced 12-week online program gives you the support, tools and inspiration you need,
to become the parent you want to be.

Yes! I want in!

An invitation from Dr. Laura Markham:

Register now & start the Course immediately.
See changes by bedtime!

Are you ready
to transform your family life?

Parents who've taken this Course say that the tools they learned transformed their child's behavior -- and their own. No matter where you are on your parenting journey, this Course will give you the targeted support that makes all the difference.

"I kept finding myself in disbelief at the quality, and the level of revelation and wisdom, and the amount of material presented in Dr. Laura's course. It was by far the most satisfied I have ever felt with an online course! I kept thinking to myself, I just can't believe how good this is, and how much information she is providing...answering my deepest heart questions, freely sharing from her rich background and experience! I was blown away!" - Mom of 3

This course is for you if:

  • You'd like to help your child WANT to cooperate, without yelling, bribes, threats or punishment.
  • You want practical tools to cope with stress and still stay patient with your child.
  • You want support and knowledge to feel more confident as a parent.
  • You want strategies for those moments when you’ve tried everything you can think of and you’re stuck.
  • You want to heal your triggers so you feel happier and more peaceful.
  • You just wish someone would give you the words to say to your child.
  • You want practical tools to calm yourself when you get angry so that you can handle things better with your child.
  • You want to shout and threaten less, and connect more.
  • You want to strengthen and sweeten your relationship with your child before he or she gets into the teen years.
  • You and your partner want to get on the same page with peaceful parenting. Dr. Laura encourages you to share this inspiring experience with your parenting partner. There is no additional charge for you to share your account to access the Course, as long as you live together.
  • You want to worry less, and enjoy your parenting journey more.
  • You’ve read Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids or you follow Dr. Laura's newsletters, but you want more support to put the theory into practice. This course deepens the work of the book and gives more focus than the newsletters.

Things are basically fine at my house.
Will this Course be worth it for me?

Yes! Think of this as an opportunity to take your parenting game up a notch, to strengthen and sweeten your relationship with your child, and to support your child for optimal development. That work is always easiest BEFORE there's a crisis, and will set you up to sail smoothly through future developmental challenges (like the teen years!). And by the end of the course, you'll find that you have a lot less drama and a lot more love in your home.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • You will feel calmer and more patient with your child (and everyone else!)
  • You will calm down more quickly when you do get anxious or upset.
  • You will be able to set effective limits to help your child WANT to cooperate, without yelling, threats, bribes or punishment.
  • When your children fight, you will be able to intervene to settle the drama and teach your children to work things out with each other without fighting.
  • You will be comfortable with your child's big emotions and will know just what to say and do when your child is angry, anxious, or upset.
  • You will see your child become more cooperative and more affectionate.
  • You will see your child begin to take responsibility, apologize, and make repairs.
  • Your entire family will experience more laughter, more warm interactions, and more peace.
  • You will feel happier!
  • These changes will start today, as soon as you begin the Course, because YOU will change how you show up in your family. As the weeks go by, you will see more and more change in yourself and your child. When the Course ends in three months, you won't believe the transformation.

What if I start the Course
and decide it isn't for me at this time?

No worries. You have Dr. Laura's No-Risk Personal Guarantee: If at any point during the first two weeks you aren't completely thrilled by what you're getting out of it, just email us asking for a refund and your payment (minus the cost of the book and the small fee we pay to process your credit card payment) will be cheerfully refunded, no questions asked. So you get to "try out" the Course, including the book, with no risk. That first two weeks is enough to change your life!

Yes! I want this support!

(Or continue below to see what parents are saying...)

"I've read Dr. Laura's book twice before this course and have taken four other parenting courses,
but THIS course is having the most profoundly positive effect on healing me and enabling me to put my oxygen mask on first before helping my children and partner. Thank you!"

More than 15,000 parents have transformed their families by taking this course.


What Parents Say About This
Online Course

Dajana - mother of 7 & 4 year old boys & 10 month old girl

Riki - mother of twin toddlers

Natalee - mother of a 6 year old

Catherine - mother of 7, 4 & 1 year old girls

Suzana - mother of a 4, 6, 8, 10 and 14 year old

Suzannah and John

Kat - mother of a 5, 7 and 2 year old

Kim - mother of a 5 year old

Sara - mother of 4 daughters, ages 1 to 9 years

Emily - mother of an 8 year old

(From parent evaluations)

"I found Dr. Laura 8 years ago when my oldest child was only 2 years old. I was so grateful to have an actual script for what to say and do when he was having a tantrum. Now my youngest is 6 years old and he's never had an all out tantrum because I could recognize and meet his needs before the melt down point. This almost decade of parenting peacefully has brought so much joy and laughter to my life every single day. Staying connected and repairing inevitable mistakes is the best recipe for my family. Thank you SO much Dr. Laura!" - Lindsay Dunham

"My personal growth has been amazing. That’s not to say that I don't still have lots of room to grow, but I don’t think I would have been able to do this by myself, without the course. The change in our eldest daughter (3.5 yo) was evident from week 1. What a blessing this course has been!" - Ruth Faria

"I am a mother of 2 boys - 16 and 7 years old. I took your course 3 years ago. Although the challenges of the parent-child relationship change almost every year, your parenting principles are equally valuable and effective. It's hard to reprogram the emotional-behavioral pattern learned in my own childhood... so I find it very helpful to go back to your teachings to regain trust and patience as a parent every time new challenges trigger my anxiety. To have more clarity, to reset my energy. Thank you!!" 🙏❤ - Janina-Madalina Dobrescu️

"Much less yelling and more connecting!! I wish I would have known about this course sooner (my kids are 8 and 10 years old) but SO glad I found it now BEFORE the teen years! This sets me up for great teen years!!" - Jennifer Bevacqua

"Dr. Markham delivers what she promises, and we are already feeling the benefits. Tantrums are now a rarity. More unprompted communication about how something makes my daughter feel. Greater cooperation. Less tension. Loved Dr. Markham's tone; the amount of information that was packed into each week; the well-organized presentation, both in the audio and in the email and online materials." - Lisa Talbot

"I was surprised by what a positive impact the course had. It not only helped my relationship with my husband's autistic son, but I could also see that it helped my husband's relationship with his son too. Six years later, we have two more kids, and I've continued to heavily rely on Peaceful Parenting to try to be the parent and person I want to be. I am so grateful for the gift my kids and Peaceful Parenting have given me: the opportunity to reparent myself." - Frances Wong

"I learned that Self-care is important, not just for my own, but for the family's benefit, too! This was one of the best courses of my life!" - Anca Dancu

"I will say in all honesty that this Course has been life-changing for me. Instead of drawn-out battles we are now able to re-connect and work together and move forward." - Kim Makara

"I'm so grateful for this course and how supportive and not judgmental Dr. Laura is....So helpful to recognize that self care isn't an indulgence, it's a necessity to bring out my best self. When I do, I feel such a remarkable connection to my kids. It's like night and day. More empathy equals less stress.... This course gave me the motivation to keep coming back when I fall off the wagon." - Nicole Sanchez

"After the course, we have had less sibling rivalry, we feel like happier, more loving parents and we feel better about how we can teach our children. This course was very healing for my own past issues -- I didn't expect that. And the price is incredible for the amount of material and teaching you get!" - Emily Stewart

"The Peaceful Parenting course has been such a gift. It is not exaggerating to say it has been life changing. I am so much happier and confident (and nicer!) as a parent and I've noticed a difference in other areas of my life. Thank you so so much." - Anne Stafford

"This Course has made me more aware of my parenting values. I especially loved the in-depth audio lectures....I manage to calm myself more often and am more often able to be empathetic towards my child, even when I'm challenged...I still often fall short of my ideal of parenting, but I pick myself up and at least know where I want to go." - Iris D

"I loved having positive reinforcement, and the weekly lectures and reminders helped keep me focused....My kids and I are more connected now and I have an easier time being empathic and recognizing situations from their perspective." - Mackenzie Rodriguez

"The content of this course has been priceless. Dr. Laura's teaching using science and research fit well with my brain as I work in the medical field. It was a key for me to begin to understand my children differently. I am hopeful for the future after having several years of mostly despairing as a parent." - Elissa N.

"The quality of the course is astonishing. This is real academic stuff. And very very very well brought to the students. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and consider it to be the greatest gift I have ever given myself and my children." - Michael R.

"I can't say thank you enough! I'm not perfect, I still yell and lose my cool, but so much less than I used to. Thanks to the 12 week course and reading Dr. Laura's books, I have invested in working on myself, including identifying different triggers, so that I can heal my inner child and do better for my children. For anyone who is uncertain if this works, trust me it does! Thank you Dr Laura for all your research, your insight, and words of affirmation along the way." - Heather, a much calmer and more mindful mom of 3 girls

"This course is life changing! I love that I can go at my own pace and revisit them any time in the future."

"I have no words to describe how helpful this course was! It was all far beyond my wildest expectations."

"This course was better than I ever expected. It has changed not only my parenting life, but the way I relate to my husband, neighbors, friends and family...the concepts are universal!"

"I've heard many of the ideas presented in the course before, from the Aha site as well as others; however, I've never been able to put them into practice. Investing in this course made me accountable to myself, and the audios were the missing piece I needed to guide me. I loved hearing Dr. Laura's voice give me the exact words to use with my children. Reading them in her emails or books were different from HEARING her say them in the empathic tone that really makes the difference. I never heard that tone growing up - I needed to hear it to know how to emulate it. This course has exceeded my expectations and I'm telling everyone about it."

"I kept finding myself in disbelief at the quality, and the level of revelation and wisdom, and the amount of material presented in Dr. Laura's course. It was by far the most satisfied I have ever felt with an online course! I kept thinking to myself, I just can't believe how good this is, and how much information she is providing...answering my deepest heart questions, freely sharing from her rich background and experience! I was blown away!"

"I've read the book twice before this course and have taken four other parenting courses, but THIS course is having the most profoundly positive effect on healing me and enabling me to put my oxygen mask on first before helping my children and partner. Thank you!"

"When I started this course, my 6 year old girl was an intensely explosive, defiant, rude, aggressive and generally very, very difficult kid. I was walking on eggshells every single day, terrified of asking her to perform a simple task around the house or even do something like repeat herself when I didn't hear her soft voice from the backseat because seemingly everything triggered a volcanic meltdown. Slowly, she has somehow morphed into a little girl who let me sleep in this morning while she drew pictures, who responds to my requests with kindness, who freely expresses generosity and gratitude, and who today asked me, "Can I do some chores?" I am grateful, surprised, and frankly, incredibly relieved. Parenting an explosive child frequently feels like torture. I am deeply thankful for this class."

"Engaging, transformative practical steps that can be taken right away. I had reached a point of despair. This is transformational at a cellular level."

"This is one of the most important things I've done for me, my children and society ... I cannot stress enough how amazing and transforming this has been. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"The audios are so full of wisdom and practical examples. I can also feel the daily inspiration audios working, making me a more peaceful person. Thank you so much!"

"My daughter's behavior (3 years) changed very much and we have built a so much nicer relationship. I discovered the joy again in being a parent - something that went missing before which made the days so often terrible for everybody. Thank you!"

"Loved the specific examples of possible difficult conversations and modeling how to make them positive and constructive."

"Dr. Laura's soothing voice and amazing ability to help me feel capable of growing and changing. Learning more about empathy, to see it in action, feel its connecting powers and to be astonished how it can transform any relationship."

"I loved listening and re-listening to each week's audio. By the end of the week, I'd really let that lesson sink in before beginning the next. The audios were easy to listen to while driving or working out, and I looked forward to it."

"Just regulating myself has made a HUGE difference in my stress level.... My relationships with my children are flourishing. Thank you!"

"My self care and self regulation has made a huge impact on the level of peace and well-being my family experiences. I finally understand the importance of special time. I feel like I now belong to a family that loves each other no matter what."

"Fantastic course - easy to download, great reinforcement delivered in multiple learning formats."

"As a mother of two little young ones, trying to stay peaceful so I don't react is a daily challenge for me. Working through Dr. Laura Markham's online course helps remind me to stay grounded and regulated. I get to model what being a peaceful leader is all about. My own regulation is now a non-negotiable in my parenting, especially during those hard moments when my kids are experiencing big feelings. I am grateful!"

"I LOVE THE SCRIPTS that Dr. Laura gives us. It helps when I don't know what to say."

Transform your family starting today.
The change starts with you!

You don't have to do this alone.
Join us for the

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
Online Course

Less drama. More Love.
What do you have to lose?

Yes! I want this support!

(or read on to see everything you get with this Course...)

Get a Sneak Peek Into the Course!


What You’ll Get:

Every Thursday for 12 weeks, you’ll receive a new audio lesson from Dr. Laura, along with a transcript, journal prompts, exercises to do with your child, handouts, five short daily meditation audios and many other bonus resources. Over the course of each week, explore and learn at your convenience. Everything is self-paced, so you never need to worry about falling behind. You have lifetime access! The course includes:


11 Weekly Audios

Hear Dr. Laura Markham’s tone of voice in examples of everyday parenting challenges. Transcripts included.


60 Audio Inspirations

Daily 4 minute meditations designed to help you rewire your brain for more Calm, Presence and Love.


Private Forum

Course participants and grads support each other on a private Facebook Forum, moderated by Dr. Laura's trained coaches.


Practical Exercises

Weekly assignments to practice this approach with your child! Plus journal prompts and questions, skill-building exercises, a self-care plan, examples of setting empathic limits, and fun reminders to post.


Answers to your biggest parenting challenges

Listen to your choice of recordings of Dr. Laura answering the most frequent parenting questions on a range of topics, from Handling Aggression and Anxiety to Siblings and Special Needs.


Weekly Bonuses

Including the "Help Your Child with Anger" audio ($69), "Your Child's Brain When You Stay Calm" printable, "Self Compassion for Tough Moments" audio to learn self-calming skills, exclusive interviews, and much more.


Book library image

“Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids” is the text for this Course.

If you already have "Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids,"
you may choose at checkout to substitute "Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings”
or (for a small surcharge) "The Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids WORKBOOK."
If you're located inside our delivery zone (USA, Canada, UK, Australia), we'll send a free copy of your book. If you're located outside our delivery zone, then a package from us may not be delivered on a timely basis, so instead you will receive a credit off your payment for this Course so that you can purchase Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids yourself.

Your FREE bonus gift
when you enroll in the
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
Online Course during October!
Join Now,
See Changes by Bedtime!
Grab Your Bonus!

What You Will Learn

Week 1
Peaceful Parenting 101

In this session, I’ll introduce you to the 3 big ideas that will change your life as a parent and shift your family, over the next 12 weeks, to less drama and more love.

Week 2
Regulating Your Own Emotions

You'll learn tools this week to notice when you're getting close to the edge, and powerful practices to return yourself to calm. If you’re a yeller, here’s where you take your Vow of Yellibacy.

Week 3
Connecting with Your Child

Parenting is 80% connection and only 20% guidance, because until children feel connected they have no reason to follow our guidance. In this session, you’ll learn best practices for staying connected with your child, and specific tools for reconnecting after tough times.

Week 4
Parenting for Emotional Intelligence

This week you'll learn the neuroscience of how emotions work, including some secrets about anger that most people don't know, how to help your child empty a full emotional backpack, and how to heal even the most turbulent emotions. We'll practice using empathy, your magic wand, to give your child's brain the best possible environment to learn to self-regulate.

Week 5

In this session, we'll discuss why children misbehave and what the research says about the best way to guide your child and teach the important lessons. You'll learn how children develop self-discipline and impulse control and why time-in works while time-out doesn't. We'll practice setting limits that stick, without power struggles or drama.

Week 6
Preventive Maintenance

You know those problems that always seem to blow up in your face and land your family in the breakdown lane? You can avoid most of those surprises with preventive maintenance. This week we'll explore the power of routines, empathy, special time, scheduled meltdowns and other preventive maintenance practices.

Week 7
Tips for the Transition to Peaceful Parenting

If you've been relying on bribes, threats and punishment to get your child to cooperate, you can expect some bumps as you and your children learn new patterns of relating. This week you'll learn some tips to make this transition easier for your family.

Week 8

You can only give your kids what you have inside. This week, you'll create a self-care plan to keep your cup full, so you can be emotionally generous with others. This is your chance to learn emotional self-care, or how to parent yourself!

Week 9
Mastery: Developing resilience, self-discipline and grit.

This week we explore how children develop the fortitude that leads to mastery. We'll practice encouraging rather than praising, and learn how to find the sweet spot between free range and helicoptering.

Week 10
Healing Your Triggers

Those times when you say or do something you later regret? They're always when you're triggered, so you get hijacked by anger. This week, I'll guide you to begin identifying and healing those triggers, so you don't get upset so often, and can recover more quickly when you do.

Week 11

This week, we'll apply the peaceful parenting principles to raising siblings, so you can stop the fighting and raise children who will be friends for life. You'll learn simple yet powerful ways to foster a loving, supportive bond between siblings, and teach your kids to navigate conflict constructively. Only one child? No worries. These tips apply to peer relationships, too.

Week 12
Putting it all together

This week, apply the Peaceful Parenting ideas to your biggest challenges by listening to your choice of recordings of Dr. Laura answering some of the most frequent parenting questions on a range of topics, from Handling Aggression and Anxiety to Siblings and Special Needs. You'll also put together a plan to make the Peaceful Parenting tools even more effective for you, and to stay on track in the future.

The usual cost of this Course is $199 USD.
But we're discounting that to $167 USD throughout this registration,
to help more families afford this support.

Register right now. See changes by bedtime!
Why wait?

Yes! I want this support!

(Still have a question? See the frequently asked questions below)


Frequently Asked Questions

It's a course that is offered via the internet, using recorded audios, written lessons, and pdfs with practical assignments. You can download most of the materials, so this gives you an easy, self-paced way to engage with readings, lectures and meditations, plus reading assignments from Dr. Laura's book (which we send you) and a supportive online forum, all from the comfort of your own home!


As soon as you register, you will receive a Welcome email with everything you need to get started on the Course right away. You can see changes before bedtime tonight!

The next course begins on Thursday, August 1, 2024. As soon as you register, you will receive an email with everything you need to begin the Course immediately. Most parents see positive changes by bedtime!

During the 12 weeks of the Course, your audio lecture and five daily inspiration meditations for each week will be released on Thursday mornings (Eastern time), along with accompanying handouts, homework assignments, journaling prompts, guided meditations and other resources. 

This is a self-paced course, so you can work with each week's materials at your own pace. You have access to the online forum for as long as this course is offered, which should be long after your child (or children) are grown.  You can download the materials, and you can repeat the Course any time it is offered -- for free!

Great! We're using it as the text for this Course, so you'll want to review it. But during registration, you'll have the opportunity to substitute Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings instead. And if you already have both of these books (or you only have one child so you don't need the Sibling book), you can upgrade to the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids WORKBOOK for a small additional charge (because it costs more for us to get it to you). Have all three books? Wonderful! You still get a book with the Course. They make great gifts!

(If you're located outside our delivery zone (USA, Canada, UK, Australia), then you received a credit off your payment for this Course to purchase Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids yourself. You definitely need this book to get the most out of this Course, so if you have any problem locating a copy, please let us know and we will help, at:

If you're located inside our delivery zone (USA, Canada, Australia, UK), we'll send you a free copy of  Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids. (If you already have it, you will have the opportunity to substitute one of Dr. Laura's other books at checkout.) It will take us a week or so to get your book to you, but don't worry. We'll give you a pdf of the first part of the book so that you can begin reading as soon as you register.

If you're located outside our delivery zone, then you will receive a credit off your payment for this Course to purchase Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids yourself. You definitely need this book to get the most out of this Course, so if you have any problem locating a copy, please let us know and we will help, at:

No worries. If it's been longer than 2 weeks since you registered, and you had the book shipped to a U.S. address, we can track it for you. If your book is being shipped outside of the U.S. (Canada, Australia or UK), we can tell you when it was dispatched. Just submit a support request and we'll get your book to you.

If you're located outside our delivery zone (U.S., Canada, Australia, UK), then you received a credit off your payment for this Course to purchase Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids yourself. You definitely need this book to get the most out of this Course, so if you have any problem locating a copy, please let us know and we will help, at:

If you're located outside our delivery zone, then you received a credit off your payment for this Course to purchase Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids yourself. You definitely need this book to get the most out of this Course, so if you have any problem locating a copy, please let us know and we will help you! Write to:

Thank you for your interest in accessing all the course materials at once! We completely understand the desire to move ahead quickly, especially when you have heard how effective this Course can be in transforming family dynamics.

However, this course is designed after much trial and error with a step-by-step structure that’s crucial for it to work for you.

The coaching and discipline strategies Dr. Laura teaches in the later weeks are deeply rooted in the principles of self-regulation and connection that she teaches in the earlier weeks. Without building these foundational skills first, the approach to coaching and discipline will not be as effective -- you may even feel like it doesn't work! That's because coaching is based on connection and requires parental self-regulation. It does not work until you are using the connection and self-regulation skills effectively.

This Course packs a tremendous amount of learning into each week, and the skills taught each week require a great deal of practice. There is no way to "master" self-regulation and connection in less than a week of concerted effort. So it would be a mistake to rush ahead into future weeks before spending focused time on the early weeks. Each week’s content builds upon the last, ensuring that by the time you reach the later weeks, you are fully equipped with the tools and mindset to use the coaching strategies in a way that works.

Again, we understand that you want to change things quickly. The way to do that is to focus on the foundational first steps, which we guarantee will create change, and then build on those. If you participate on the Course Facebook group, you can see that engaging fully with the first three weeks of the Course is transformative. Dr. Laura has been teaching this Course for many years, and no one ever says that the pace of the material should be faster; in fact, most parents review the Course several times to really master the material!

Yes! All of the lectures and meditations in the Course can be downloaded for offline listening. It's easy, and we give you detailed, step-by-step instructions.

The only exception is a bonus you get in Week 12, which is two special audios from Dr. Laura's Audio Library. Like Netflix, audios from this Library can only be streamed, not downloaded. So you will need to listen to your special bonus audios when you are online, but you will have ongoing access to them, along with the rest of this Course, long after your children are grown, so that you can listen to them at your convenience!

This is a self-paced course, so that's no problem. Each week, we have a different focus, and the topics build on each other. If you miss a session, you can access all the course recordings and other materials on your own account page on the Aha! Parenting website. This is the beauty of this format, especially for parents. You can work with this course material at the time that is most convenient for you and your family. Many people self-pace and take a full six months to complete the course. Some people finish it and immediately begin it again.

Never! You have access for the life of the Course (and Dr. Laura doesn't plan to stop teaching it until long after your child is grown!) You can even opt in to take the Course again any time it is taught -- for free. And you have ongoing access to the private Facebook Forum for as many years as you want after you take the Course, at no additional charge.

Yes! We have a private Facebook forum, available only to parents who are participating in this online course or who are past graduates of it. That means that you can continue to be part of this group long after you take this Course -- and it is so helpful that you will probably want to!

This is a wonderful community for parents to ask questions, share successes and frustrations, and give each other support and encouragement. Dr. Laura trained and supervises the admins of this group, but it's designed primarily as a way for parents to support each other. You'll be invited to join beginning in Week One of the Course.

Once of the best parts of this Course is that you have unlimited access to this forum (and the rest of the Course); it does not expire. We have people in the forum who have been participating since they took the first Course Dr. Laura offered, in 2016! 

In Week 12 of the Course, you'll also have a chance to listen to recordings of some of the most common questions asked by parents, with Dr. Laura's answers. Many parents say they learn so much from listening to other parents' questions and answers -- and often their own question is answered.

The usual cost of this 12-week course is $199 USD. But to make these tools more affordable for parents, the price has been reduced to $167 USD. The price of the Course is expected to go up in 2025. 

The course includes 11 weekly audio lectures and transcripts, 60 short daily inspiration audios, audios and ebooks that are available for sale on the Aha! Parenting website but are given free to course participants, an ongoing private Facebook Forum that doesn't expire, and various bonus audio interviews and "how to" videos, as well as one copy of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids mailed to you if you are in our delivery zone (USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Australia) or a credit to buy your own copy locally if you are outside our delivery zone. 

All lectures and meditations are downloadable so you can listen off-line. And your enrollment in the Course never expires -- you can retake this Course again for free at any time!

Many of the bonuses in the Course, such as Dr. Laura’s audio on Preventive Maintenance and her interview with Dan Siegel, are exclusive to the Course and are not available anywhere else. The audios, ebooks and mini-courses given as bonuses in the Course that are for sale on the Peaceful Parent Happy Kids website are indicated below with a price. There are several excerpts from the PPHK Workbook, which sells for $24.99. The final bonus, two audios from the Success Path Membership Library, is only available with a subscription to the Success Path Membership ($199/year). 

Please note that these are only bonuses. The Course itself is valued at over $1000 without any of these bonuses!

Week 1: Getting Started with Peaceful Parenting

  • Lifetime access to Facebook support group with moderators trained and supervised by Dr. Laura.
  • Printable: 13 Secrets To Engage Cooperation.

Week 2: Parental Self-Regulation

  • 8 minute audio: Troubleshooting the Respectful Voice Chart
  • Printable: Your Child’s Brain When You Stay Calm
  • Printable: Stop Drop Breathe

Week 3: Connection

  • Laughter Videos

Week 4: EQ

  • "Helping Your Child with Anger" audio.  This is part of the “Help Your Child Learn To Manage Anger” mini-course, which sells for $69 on the website.

Week 5: Beyond Discipline

  • 2 Videos about discipline from Dr. Laura
  • Excerpt from the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook called Teaching Repair. This pdf will help you support your child to use reflection, repair, and responsibility to make amends when they go off-track.
  • Handout on Kids' self regulation written by Stuart Shanker, the author of Self-Reg.

Week 6: Preventive Maintenance

  • Audio on preventive maintenance that goes into depth about scheduled meltdowns.

Week 7: Transition to Peaceful Parenting

  • Self Compassion for Tough Moments -Audio 
  • Exclusive: Dr. Laura Markham interviews Dr. Dan Siegel about emotion in young children.

Week 8: Self-Care

  • The Secret of the Full Cup Workbook - $5.99 USD
  • Self-Care Ideas from Parents – excerpt from PPHK workbook

Week 9: Mastery

  • Printable: Using Healthy Encouragement instead of conventional praise. (PPHK Workbook excerpt)
  • Six articles from Dr. Laura with practical strategies to help you put this week's ideas about developing Mastery into practice in your home.

Week 10: Self-Healing

  • Self-healing for parents- article
  • Body Scan Meditation
  • Healing Shame Meditation
  • Healing Grief Meditation

Week 11: Siblings

  • Our first Bonus this week is 4 excepts from the Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Workbook. While these are all relevant to all parents because they deal with parental regulation, connection and coaching, they all also relate to Siblings.
  • Our second bonus is 4 videos to support you in navigating Sibling issues. These videos will help you transform sibling tensions, so you can stop the fighting and raise friends for life! What causes sibling rivalry /How to intervene in a sibling fight / How to heal resentment between siblings / What parents can do to prevent and heal sibling rivalry.

Week 12: Putting It All Together

  • Choose two Q and A recordings from Dr. Laura’s Q & A Library
  • Repeat the Course for free every time it is taught!

It's true that most intensive parenting courses that are three months long and give you lifetime access, with an ongoing forum that you can use for years after you take the Course, and with so many exclusive audios and bonus materials, are priced much higher. But Dr. Laura wants to get these tools and ideas into the hands of as many parents as possible, so she purposely keeps the price as low as possible.

To maintain the lowest price possible, we ask that you not share your log-in info or Course materials beyond your household.  As features are added to the course and to cover costs, the price may go up somewhat, but Dr. Laura is committed to keeping it affordable for as many parents as possible.

Yes! A certain percentage of spaces are always available for partial scholarships. To apply, please fill out our Scholarship Application. Please submit a support request if you have any questions.

Great! Many course participants live outside the US. Peaceful parenting is a worldwide movement. Welcome!

If you live in a country where it is challenging for us to ship a copy of the book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids to you, we will indicate that to you at checkout and give you a discount, so that you can buy the book yourself locally. You definitely need this book to get the most out of this Course, so if you have any problem locating a copy, please let us know and we will help you! Write to:

Kids who have special needs will be a handful for most parents, whether those needs are sensory issues, health issues, a diagnosis of being on the spectrum, or attachment issues from adoption. These parents need as much support as possible.

Will Peaceful Parenting be "enough" for a family with a special needs child? Maybe not. For instance, a child with sensory issues benefits from early OT intervention to retrain the brain. A child with attachment issues from foster care or adoption requires therapy with their parent to strengthen the attachment relationship.

But learning to use the peaceful parenting approach is even MORE important for families with special needs kids, because it helps parents self-regulate and connect, as well as coach. The basic peaceful parenting approach is:

1. Regulate your own emotions. Even harder with a special needs child, because it is harder for them to self-regulate, so they can be more challenging for the parent. But they are often even more sensitive to your anger than other children.

2. Connect. Often much harder, but even more important, because why else will they follow your lead? If your child has attachment issues, I advise counseling support for your relationship. But you'll still want to support your bond using the peaceful parenting tools.

3. Coach instead of punish. Most "experts" give advice that centers on rewards and punishments. But all humans deserve the dignity of being coached to be their best selves, rather than punished when they don't behave as we'd like. Special needs children have a different experience of the world than we do, and it must often frighten them. When they act out of fear, they deserve love, not punishment. Of course we will need to set limits, but we can set those with love. And kids with special needs have a harder time self-regulating, so they need emotion-coaching even more than other children. Coaching is also more effective in gaining cooperation, because ALL humans have the instinct to "follow" only those who have their best interests at heart, and rebel against being controlled.

While many examples in the course will be about younger children, the principles apply to all age kids. So the content of this course will be applicable to most stages of your journey as a parent: whether your child is just crawling, a toddler, five, eight or even eighteen years old. In fact, many course participants say the course improved their relationships with spouses and work colleagues.

But because the challenges facing parents during the preteen and teen years are so different, this course is designed primarily for parents of kids who are ten years or younger. If you're not sure whether this course will be relevant to you, please read Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids. If you find the book relevant and useful, you will find the course relevant and useful.

This is an online course that gives you audio lessons and meditations to listen to, and handouts and other homework for self-directed learning. It is not anything like therapy, which gives you personalized support from a trained therapist who meets with you in person. For parents who have trauma backgrounds, I recommend that you tackle deep work only with the help of a trusted counselor who is there to support you. The reason we leave the "Healing Your Triggers" lesson for late in the course is that by then parents who are participating in the course will be aware of their own triggers. Parents have the option in that week of working simply on their own self-regulation, or working with their own counselor on a trigger, or skipping the lesson entirely.

That said, many Course participants say in their evaluations that they experienced more personal growth from this Course than they did from therapy.

You have Dr. Laura's No-Risk Personal Guarantee: If at any point during the first two weeks you aren't completely thrilled by what you're getting out of it, just email us asking for a refund.  Your payment (minus the small processing fee we pay to the credit card company, and the cost of the book if we have mailed one to you) will be cheerfully refunded, no questions asked.

That means that refunds will be given for any cancellation received via e-mail at any time before Session 3 is released.  So you get the first two weeks to "try out" the Course, plus the book, with no risk. As Dr. Laura says, that first two weeks is enough to change your life!

(We will deduct 7% to cover the credit card fees that we pay when you first register, and then again when we issue a refund. If we've sent you a book, we'll also deduct $15 for your copy of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids, which you may keep, as well as an additional $10 for postage and processing. If you are not in the United States and we've sent you a book, any additional postage that we spent to mail your book to you will also be deducted.)

After Week 3 begins, no refunds will be made.

Please Note: If you sell a parenting program or course, you will not be eligible for a refund.

No worries. You have lifetime access to the Course materials so you can log in at any time and finish the Course at your own pace. 

Just go to the My Courses Login Page to login, using the email you provided at registration. If you have forgotten your password, no worries, there's a password reset link and other quick troubleshooting tips there as well. If you are still having issues after trying the troubleshooting steps, please submit a support request and we'll be happy to help!

We're so sorry -- but no worries, we can help figure it out with you! 

Please submit a support request with these 3 things:
- Describe issue you're having
- Include any error message you are seeing
- Please include the email address you used to register

If you have any questions, or encounter any difficulties registering, please submit a support request and we'll be happy to help you!

October Bonus!

When you register for the Peaceful Parent Happy Kids Online Course during October, you’ll receive a FREE bonus that can change your life — “Rewire Your Brain for Self-Compassion.” This skill-building bundle will give you the tools to respond to yourself with love and forgiveness, and grow the neural pathways for a more emotionally intelligent brain.

This is the present your child would give you
if they could.

So why not give yourself the gift of science-based, kid-tested, parent-friendly strategies to transform your home?

"Dr. Laura-- I can’t thank you enough. Even though I’m not quite putting it all into practice, this keeps me on track when I falter as I do every single day!"

The truth is, we all falter every single day.

We all get by with a little help from our friends, and we all need constant support (internal and external) to stay on track. Parenting is the hardest job you'll ever have. Why not give yourself the support you deserve, so you can enjoy the journey?

Dr. Laura Markham's approach is science-based and parent-tested.

Her first book, Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How To Stop Yelling and Start Connecting, has rapidly become a word-of-mouth bestseller as readers post reviews on Amazon testifying to the transformation in their families. In this course, Dr. Laura walks you through the lessons in the book, deepening your understanding, answering your questions, and helping you put this approach into practice with your own child. The result? Priceless.

A PhD in clinical psychology...And a mom.

Dr. Laura Markham dedicates her practice to helping parents transform their relationships with their children. She's counseled thousands of families, so she gives you hands-on, parent-proven, science-based strategies that are guaranteed to shift the dynamic in your home for the better. And she's also a mom, so she understands how hard it is -- and how to make it easier.

This online course can change your life, starting today!

Whether you're looking for an Aha! moment to get your child to listen, or learning to regulate your own emotions, Dr. Laura Markham's been there. Let her be your guide. Change will start today, but it takes about 90 days to develop a habit. Why not try this course for 90 days and see what kind of lasting change you can make in yourself and your family?

Less drama. More love.
What do you have to lose?

What happens if you DON'T join us for the


Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids Course?

Nothing! If you keep doing what you've been doing,
you keep getting the results you've been getting.
But if you want change, this is your chance.
Take a step toward the family life you want, today.

Lifetime access for you and your partner for only $167 USD.
Please join us!

Claim Your Spot Now!

"One generation full of deeply loving parents would change the brain of the next generation,
and with that, the world." - Charles Raison