About 40% of children fit these descriptions, necessitating a parenting approach that is both nurturing and adaptive. Peaceful Parenting is foundational in parenting complex kids. Then, leave no stone unturned to figure out what your unique child needs so they can feel safe and regulate their nervous system. To support you in that process, here's a list of resources. If you have other terrific resources to recommend, please let us know at DrLauraMarkham@AhaParenting.com!
General Resources
Self-Reg by Dr. Stuart Shanker https://self-reg.ca/
Beyond Behaviors by Mona Delahooke https://monadelahooke.com/
The Explosive Child by Ross Greene https://livesinthebalance.org/
Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors by Robyn Gobbel (also info on trauma) https://robyngobbel.com/
Neurodiversity Resources (Multiple Diagnoses)
Differently Wired by Debbie Reber https://tiltparenting.com/
Bright and Quirky (specifically aimed at 2e with info on multiple diagnoses) https://brightandquirky.com/
ADDitude https://www.additudemag.com/
ADHD 2.0 by Ned Hallowell https://drhallowell.com/
What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew by Dr. Sharon Saline https://drsharonsaline.com/
Autism Level Up! https://www.autismlevelup.com/
Kristy Forbes https://www.kristyforbes.com.au/
Uniquely Human by Barry Prizant https://barryprizant.com/
Calm The Chaos by Danya Abraham https://lemonlimeadventures.com/
Executive Function
Seth Perler https://executivefunctionsummit.com/ and https://sethperler.com/
Smart but Scattered by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare https://www.smartbutscatteredkids.com/
SENG https://www.sengifted.org/
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students by Christine Fonseca
Learning Differences
Understood https://www.understood.org/
Picky Eating
Kids Eat In Color https://kidseatincolor.com/ or https://www.instagram.com/kids.eat.in.color
Sensory Processing
The Out-of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz https://out-of-sync-child.com/
A Sensory Life http://asensorylife.com/index.html
Talking to Kids About How Their Brain Works (Books for Children)
Wonderfully Wired Brains by Louise Gooding
NowMaps Jr: Adventure Stories to Help Young Kids Navigate Everyday Challenges and Grow in Caring and Kind Ways, by Daniel J Siegal
NowMaps: A Tween’s Guide to Learning About Your Thoughts, Navigating Big Emotions and Being a Confident Kid, by Daniel J Siegal
Hey Warrior and Hey Awesome by Karen Young (Both specifically aimed at Anxiety)https://www.heysigmund.com/products/hey-warrior/
Resources from NeuroWild https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087870753308