It is, of course, often possible for the child to stay with his or her other parent, rather than being left with a friend or relative. But we also know that labor advances faster when women have support from a loved one, so most of the time a woman’s partner stays with her during labor and the older child is left in someone else’s care.
How can you prepare your older baby, toddler or preschooler for this separation from mom, and maybe even from home?
1. Strengthen and sweeten your relationship now.
Your little one might well have a hard time during your absence from her. But a close relationship with you will give her a strong foundation, and provide the buffer she needs to recover quickly.
2. Select the person who will take care of your little one while you are having the baby now, and start working with that person to prepare your child.
Leave your child with this person as often as possible, for short and longer periods of time. Try to arrange, after months of this, for your child to nap there in order to get comfortable falling asleep. If your child does well napping, consider a sleepover – but don’t push it. If your child isn’t ready, it isn’t worth the potential trauma. If the birth requires a sleepover, so be it because it’s unavoidable, but that one night should be the only night unless the child is completely comfortable with this person.
3. Don’t try to get your child used to separation in general by leaving her with other people frequently.
That will just traumatize her and make her clingy. The goal is not to help her get used to separation and being with random people, because that is not how attachment works. The goal is to help her build a relationship with your designated person, whoever it will be, so that person can calm her during your absence. The only thing that will help her cope with your absence is the presence of someone she trusts.
4. Your goal is to help your designated person learn to calm your child.
It's ok if your little one cries. What matters is that he has someone to comfort him while he cries, who won't just leave him to cry himself to sleep. Kids can make it through anything if they have someone to give them love and empathy.
5. Start preparing your little one by talking
Start preparing your little one by talking about how you will go to the hospital to have the baby and she will go to (the neighbor? grandma?) but you will come to pick her up and take her home soon. You should stress that you ALWAYS come back to her. Make it a little mantra: “And then Mommy will come and scoop you up because Mommy ALWAYS comes back!”
6. Make a book for your child.
Since the separation from you when the baby is born can set the tone for the sibling's arrival, you might want to create a book that focuses just on the pregnancy and separation. To make it easier for you to create your own personalized book, here is a template for you to use to get started. Just click the link below to download this template as a Word document. Then, personalize the the story, words and the picture choices as much as you would like to fit your own needs. Click here for the Downloadable Ebook.
Your little one may not have a lot of words yet, but probably understands a lot. Reading a book like this that you make for him will help him understand much more.
7. Help your little one develop some feeling of being comforted by a stuffed animal or lovey or a clothing item of yours...
preferably smelling like you. No object will ever substitute for a person, but children can find comfort in a familiar object that they associate with safety and with parents. Let the person who will care for your child during your labor use this comfort object to help your child when she misses you.
8. Stay positive and have confidence in your child.
Your little one will weather this -- even if, heaven forbid, he cries himself to sleep in the arms of his caregiver. Your love and attention before and after will make all the difference in the world to his being able to handle the challenge.
If you’re planning to have your child at the birth
Many parents who had an uneventful first delivery are excited about the idea of including their older child in the magical moment of birth. Given the unpredictability of the birth process, this is only desirable if you’ve arranged for a relative—someone your child is close to -- to be with you during labor and to whisk your child away if the birth gets complicated or he gets bored.
My own 4 year old son came to the birth center with us and built a new lego while I labored, and was present for his sister’s birth (up near my head, holding my hand.) He loved being present when his baby sister was "created," and has always been very protective of her.
If you decide to go this route, be sure you prepare your child.
- Read lots of birth books together.
- Watch birth videos that are appropriate for children; see if you can rent "Gentle Birth Choices" or "Birth Day" from your local library to watch with your child. Her reaction can be a useful indicator as to whether she's ready to attend the actual birth.
- Let him help you push a large piece of furniture across the room. Point out that making loud noises, straining and sweating helps you work harder, and that labor is even more work.
- Explain in detail what will happen. It's important that your child know what to expect, including that the cord bleeds when it's cut, and that it doesn't hurt baby.
- Prepare your child for the way the baby will look. Newborns famously look red, pinched, wizened.
Don't miss this article:
How to Prepare Your Child for the New Baby
Do you have more questions about how to introduce the new baby so that the big sibs adjust happily? Get your hands on Dr. Laura's book: Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How to Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life. Turn straight to Part Three, which is all about preparing for a new baby and the first year!