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Discipline That Works

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Discipline That Works

The most effective "discipline" for your child is always positive, loving, gentle guidance. Here's why.


Peaceful Parenting Examples Age 7 - 11

What does peaceful parenting look like with kids in the elementary school years? Regardless of the situation, here are the steps and some specific examples.


Beyond Discipline for Preteens

Here's how to deal with preteens and discipline using respectful, positive guidance and WITHOUT relying on punishment (including timeouts and consequences).


Beyond Discipline for Teens

Discipline as we usually think of it backfires with teens. If you come down like a sledge hammer, you can count on open rebellion. Here's what to do instead.


15 Tips to Raise a Responsible Child

How do we raise our kids to take responsibility for their choices and their impact on the world?


When You Get Angry At Your Child

How to Handle Your Anger at Your Child. In our calm moments we know that we could handle any parenting moment much better from a state of calm. Here's how.


How to Set Effective Limits with Your Child

Our limits actually teach kids to set limits for themselves, which is otherwise known as self-discipline.


Ten Tips To Become a More Peaceful Parent

Ten tips for practicing peaceful parenting with your child, to raise a healthy, happy, emotionally intelligent child. What to do instead of punish.


Why Consequences are Just More Ineffective Punishment

How will children learn to do the right thing, if they don't suffer the consequences when they do the wrong thing?


Peaceful Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child

Have a strong-willed child? You're lucky! Strong willed children can be a challenge when they're young, but if sensitively parented they become terrific teens and young adults.