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Believe it or not, there are parents whose kids and teens talk to them, and even ask their advice! Find out how you could be one of those parents.


255 Conversation Starters for Family Discussions

Parents often say they don’t know where to begin to have a “real” conversation with their child. These questions will get you started in conversation.


Can Your Child Trust You?

Kids don't just say things like "I'm considering cheating on the test" or "I'm bulimic." Parents have to earn that kind of trust. And here's how.


How to Turn Tough Conversations Into Learning Opportunities

Starting out on the offensive will only slam the doors of communication. If you can control your emotions and keep things safe, your child may start sharing.


Secrets of Closer Communication

Want your kids to tell you what's going on in their lives? Start by making these eight commitments.


Foolproof Strategies for Getting Kids to Talk

Foolproof strategies to build trust and get your child to talk with you about what matters to them.


Use Crisis to Connect More Deeply with Your Child

Every crisis with your child is also an opportunity to connect more deeply, teach problem-solving, and show him how to manage upsetting feelings.


Helping Siblings Communicate Instead of Fight

Research shows that when we let siblings "work it out" without guidance, the more powerful child wins, which reinforces bullying behavior. There's a better way.


How to Help Each Child with Big Emotions

The hardest part of having more than one child is those times when they both need you at once. After all, your love may be unlimited, but you only have...


What To Say Instead of Praising

What to say instead of conventional praise to encourage your child -- and why.