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Peaceful Parenting
Peaceful Parenting
What does it mean to be a Peaceful Parent? Find out here.
ArticleAngry? Don't lose it. Use it!
Yes, you CAN be that calm parent. It starts with using your anger as a learning opportunity.
Article9 Options To Transform "Bad" Behavior
There is no such thing as a brat, only a child who is hurting. How to transform defiance into reconnection and cooperation.
ArticleThe secret of keeping our cup full is learning to parent ourselves.
The secret work of adulthood is becoming the parent we needed.
ArticleWant to Feel More Alive? Take the Stone Out of Your Shoe
Are you Nurturing Yourself while Raising Your Child, yet? Why not clear away the things that weigh you down? Let's talk about how to take care of ourselves.
ArticleAs Simple As Breathing
Believe it or not, it's possible to feel relaxed during a traffic jam -- or even a tantrum. Pausing, to simply breathe, is a powerful lever to pull.
Article5 Ways To Do Self-Care When You're With Your Kids
The #1 Resolution of parents everywhere? Be more patient. We can only be the parents we want to be if we learn how to parent ourselves.
ArticleThe Secret of the Full Cup: Self Care
The secret work of adulthood is that we are all still growing up, and parenting forces us to learn to parent ourselves as well as our child. Here's how.
Article8 Things You Can Do When Your Child Is Belligerent
When children are having a hard time, here's how to find your way through that belligerence minefield to re-connect with your child and stop the drama.
ArticleIt's a good thing you're not perfect!
Luckily, kids don't need us to be perfect. They just need us to do the hard emotional work of repairing the rift. You're role modeling repair for your child.