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The kids who successfully live through loss are the ones who find ways to feel connected to the person they've lost AND to go on with their lives.


Books to Help You Explain Death To Children

Books can be a tremendous help in explaining death to our children and helping them cope with grief.


Helping Kids with Grief, Loss and Bereavement

Here are a few guidelines to help you talk with your child about grief.


When There Is Tragedy In The Community


Divorce: Surviving the Holidays

After a divorce, holidays are hard. But this is a golden opportunity to create new traditions with your child that express your love and your values.


Explaining Death to Children

Kids who can maintain a relationship with the person they've lost, even as they go on living fully and joyfully, make the healthiest adjustment to loss.


Healing after Miscarriage

Letting yourself cry and mourn, both with your husband and without him, will help you to heal. You are mourning a very real loss.


Helping Child with Father's Suicide

Reading books about death with your child and getting support to process your own feelings about this traumatic event will help your son get through this.


Helping Kids When Asperger's Dad Leaves the Family

How to help kids with heartbreaking scenario of being rejected when Asperger's Dad left the family.


Helping Stepdaughter with Losing Her Birth Mother

How to help stepdaughter when she seems shut off from any emotions connected to the death of her birth mom.