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Sleep is so important to maintain well-being for both children and parents. Here’s how to help young kids learn to relax into sleep, without leaving them to cry.


Game Plan for Peaceful Parenting Your Preschooler

With a little help from you, these "wonder years" will build a secure and unlimited foundation for your son's or daughter's entire childhood.


Getting Your Preschooler To Sleep

Wondering how to get your three, four, or five your old into bed. Top ten tips to help your three to five year old settle into bed peacefully and stay...


Staying Close to Your Tween Daughter

If you can adjust your parenting to her new needs, the tween years are the perfect time to strengthen your relationship with your preteen daughter.


Checklist for Safe Co-Sleeping & Naps

Everything you need to know about keeping your baby safe in your bed!


Infants and Sleep

What the experts say about infants and sleep and real advice about how you can get some zzz's without letting your baby "cry it out."


The Case Against Ferber Sleep Training

There are kinder, gentler ways to teach babies to put themselves to sleep. Here's what Ferbering is and some of the problems with this method.


Teaching Your Baby to Put Himself to Sleep

Here's how to teach your baby something priceless -- how to put herself to sleep AND to go back to sleep on her own when she wakes in the night.


Easing the Transition to the Toddler Bed

So your toddler is giving up the crib? Or moving out of the family bed? How to help your toddler learn to fall asleep in the new big-kid bed without...


When Your Three-Year-Old Takes Over An Hour To Fall Asleep