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How To Raise a Child of Character

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How To Raise a Child of Character

There are ways to encourage your child to be thoughtful, generous, responsible, courageous -- a person of character. Here's how.


Help Your Child Discover Her Inner Angel

The holiday season is the perfect time to create opportunities to give that will be pleasurable for your child.


Thanksgiving Rituals To Teach Gratitude

Here are 13 proven gratitude practices that will help you invent your own meaningful family gratitude traditions, for Thanksgiving and beyond.


15 Tips to Raise a Responsible Child

How do we raise our kids to take responsibility for their choices and their impact on the world?


Why Consequences are Just More Ineffective Punishment

How will children learn to do the right thing, if they don't suffer the consequences when they do the wrong thing?


12 Tips To Raise a Competent Child

Competent children are free enough from emotional issues to tackle the age-appropriate developmental tasks and emerge with greater confidence.


12 Tips To Raise a Persistent Child

Some parents wish their child was less persistent. But persistence is a wonderful trait; essential to accomplishing what you want in life. Here's how to manage it!


5 Steps To Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child


What Every Parent Needs to Know About Praise

Why praise is not helpful to your child. How you can use the research on praise to tweak your encouragement and make it a super power for your children.


Why take your child with you to vote?

Involving kids in voting teaches them a real-life lesson in democracy.