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Special Needs

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Special Needs

Emotional regulation, connection, and coaching is even MORE important for kids with special needs, to help them trust, connect and self-regulate.


Resources for Parents of Kids Who Need More

Parenting a child who is strong-willed, highly sensitive, neurodivergent, or facing other unique challenges requires more from parents. We're here to support you!


10 Year Old is Angry at Homeschooling: Learning Disability?

Seven possibilities for why a 10 year old is so angry with his homeschooling (including the possibility of a learning disability).


3 Year Old Demanding, Tantrums, Rages

3 year old's issues may be about temperament, exacerbated by attachment issues.


3 year old unfairly compared to autistic cousin

In-laws are unfairly and openly comparing 3 year old to very bright autistic cousin - how to make grandparents realize how damaging these comparisons can be.


3 Year Old Won't Talk in School. Selective Mutism?

Not talking to peers may be getting in the way of child's normal development. Here are some interventions so that this behavior doesn't become more of an issue.


5 year old Threatening Other Kids: "I want you dead"

Five year old experimenting with power needs to learn more appropriate ways of negotiating peer conflict.


9 year old has panic attacks

The treatment for panic attacks is to help kids notice the worries that trigger panic symptoms, so they can prevent and even interrupt attacks.


Angry & Rejecting: Attachment Disorder or Sensory Integration Issues?

A toddler who physically rejects his Mother could be related to sensory integration issues, OR could be a disrupted attachment. Here's how to handle both.


Anxious Child Spits Compulsively - Normal or OCD?

Child's habit of spitting whenever disgusted, or nervous, could well be signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is related to anxiety.