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Helping Siblings Get Along

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Helping Siblings Get Along

With more than one child, you're bound to have some sibling rivalry. Here's how to prevent and transform sibling tensions and ensure your kids will be friends for life.


Playing with Your Child: Games for Connection and Emotional Intelligence

What if I promised that if you play with your child on a regular basis, THEY will become more cooperative, and YOU will feel more energized?


Staying Calm When One Child Hurts the Other

Most parents say that when one child hurts another, it’s the hardest time for them to self-regulate. The truth is, the reason you “lose it” is that you feel powerless...


10 Tips to Foster a Sweet Sibling Relationship From the Start

Welcoming a new baby? Here are ten ideas to foster a terrific relationship between your children, right from the start -- even if you're sleep deprived!


Bickering in the Backseat: How to Cope on the Way to School

Here's how to turn the tide when the tone gets tense in your car. If you address the reason kids are bickering, you can stop the fight before it starts....


Helping Siblings Communicate Instead of Fight

Research shows that when we let siblings "work it out" without guidance, the more powerful child wins, which reinforces bullying behavior. There's a better way.


How to Help Each Child with Big Emotions

The hardest part of having more than one child is those times when they both need you at once. After all, your love may be unlimited, but you only have...


How To Intervene In a Sibling Fight

Your guidance can help them develop more impulse control. They're both furious, but you can help them breathe through their rage and put it into words. Here's how.


Can You Prevent Sibling Fighting?

Conflict is a part of every human relationship, and kids learn from fighting. But you can reduce fighting, and make the fighting that does occur more civil. Here's how.


Preventing Middle Child Syndrome

Studies have found that middle children are often less close to their parents and struggle with the "identity crisis" of not having a specific role in the family.