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Your game plan for helping a preschooler learn to cooperate, go to bed easily, avoid potty accidents and talk instead of hitting or tantrumming.


255 Conversation Starters for Family Discussions

Parents often say they don’t know where to begin to have a “real” conversation with their child. These questions will get you started in conversation.


Can Your Child Trust You?

Kids don't just say things like "I'm considering cheating on the test" or "I'm bulimic." Parents have to earn that kind of trust. And here's how.


How to Turn Tough Conversations Into Learning Opportunities

Starting out on the offensive will only slam the doors of communication. If you can control your emotions and keep things safe, your child may start sharing.


Secrets of Closer Communication

Want your kids to tell you what's going on in their lives? Start by making these eight commitments.


Social Intelligence for PreSchoolers

Preschool age is the perfect time to teach children the social skills that will support them throughout childhood. Learning social cues is key to friendships.


How to Prepare Your Child for the New Baby

If you're pregnant and have another child (or two), here are some tips to reduce sibling rivalry and foster a close sibling bond right from the start.


Preparing Your Child for the Separation While You Birth the New Baby

If you're worried about leaving your older child when you give birth to your baby, here's your gameplan to best prepare them AND set your mind at ease.


When Your Older Child Hits the Little One: A Script

Did your toddler or preschooler just hit their little sibling? Of course you see red! Here's your script to intervene -- and prevent a recurrence!


The Cure for Whining

Whining is a symptom of a deeper issue. So if you want to eliminate whining, you have to address what's underneath.